Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Jung Interview

I stumbled across this today - recorded in 1960, a year before he died. Absolutely fascinating:

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Holy Days Of Thelema

Yesterday was the first of The Holy Days Of Thelema.

'The Thelemic Holy Season starts on March 20th, when Aleister Crowley, back in 1904, invoked Horus in Cairo with the Supreme Ritual and officially founded Thelema, bringing in the Aeon of Horus.'

Now it just happens that it was also our wedding anniversary - we were married on March 20th 2004 - exactly a hundred years from Crowley's ritual, something we feel rather pleased about. Not that we realised it at the time, we picked the date as being as close to the spring equinox as we could get.

I love synchronicity . . .

Friday, 9 March 2012

Nudity as Protest (continued)

I've commented on this before - here and Here.

Now we have a group of brave Iranian women Here doing the same thing.

Also This, the Nude Photo Revolutionaries Calendar.

A page from it:

Click for bigger.

Magick, pure Magick.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Mocuar's just gone shopping . . .

. . . and I've padlocked her rings, like so:

She likes wandering around the supermarket thinking about how many other people she walks past might be similarly adorned. She also likes the fact that it's a physical reminder of the Nature Of Her Being.

Simple pleasures . . .

Thursday, 1 March 2012


In the process of tidying up some old documents, I came across this. Something I wrote about 14 years ago, and had completely forgotten about. Odd how I sometimes read my old writings and find it hard to believe that I wrote them.
 It's a bit wordy, but I can't bring myself to dump it . . .


The light-hungry moths assault the window
Attracted, it’s said, by the moon-resemblance of electric glow
Is this true? Are they so stupid?
Or does our perception lag behind that which they know?

These questions unanswerable of course
Posed by fools, poets or scientists who divorce
Their seeing-eye from dreaming
Of a pinned-down truth, their only resource.

For my part, I speculate (as I stare into the night)
Perhaps it is light alone they desire - any light
Drawn by the call of an erotic grail
And the promise of a luminescent bite

If this is so, we have much to fear
Light blinds and burns if we stray too near
Its incandescent sanctuary

We are so easily destroyed by that which we revere.