Friday, 25 January 2013

'The sweetest hours that e'er I spent'

Burns night.

We should celebrate poets more.

Poetry should be heard, not read. So here's a wonderful selection of Burns' poems read by actors.


Also, one of my fave Burns poems sung by Ian Campbell:

The Sweetest hours that e'er I spent
Were spent among the lasses O

Too true!

Monday, 14 January 2013


Why is falling snow so evocative?

(Mind you, I have the luxury of not having to go out in it, unless I want to)

Still, whenever it snows I think of one of my favourite Robert Graves Poems:

Like Snow

She, then, like snow in a dark night,
Fell secretly. And the world waked
With dazzling of the drowsy eye,
So that some muttered 'Too much light',
And drew the curtains close.
Like snow, warmer than fingers feared,
And to soil friendly;
Holding the histories of the night
In yet unmelted tracks.        

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Well, here we are . . .

I am heartily glad to see the back of 2012, although there were some good moments, I have to say it was a lousy, stinking, bloody awful year.

As ever, I take my lead from The Book Of The Law:

Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains. 

Liber AL  11:9

 Happy New Year!