On the surface this would appear to be just another pic of a naked woman - very pretty, nice touch with the red shoes and hair decoration, but like so many others.
Except that it isn't. This woman may well be putting her life on the line.
She is Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, an Egyptian blogger. She's posted this on her blog (here) because - to use her own words - it "screams against a society of violence, racism, sexism, sexual harassment and hypocrisy."
Article about it here.
To do this in an Islamic country, even a relatively relaxed one like Egypt, is an act of utter bravery. She has a hell of a lot of repressive forces ranged against her and I wish I had a fraction of her courage.
It did remind me of years ago when sexual freedom and political freedom were entwined. But with the rise of the new PC puritanism, this is no longer the case. Pity. It's interesting that she describes herself as a feminist.
Aliaa is providing us with one of the great classical images of truth and freedom. unashamed, and challenging anyone who sees it to say it is wrong.
Sex Magick in the truest sense of the phrase.
I really hope she triumphs, and I really hope she comes to no harm.
I urge those of you out there to send some energy her way, in whatever form you choose.
Absolutely! Wow... That is a TON of courage. Very moving.