. . . comes from something I wrote 12 years ago:
If This Be Your Desire . . .
Now that I know you-
And I do know you-
(And I think,
You are beginning to know yourself . . .)
Be still,
And listen to me.
Be silent.
Oh, and by the way-
Do not allow your legs to open-
These promises are yours
As you are mine:
I promise to use you unflinchingly.
I promise that I will regard every part
of your sweet body,
As no longer yours: but mine
Mine to use accordingly,
Mine to use creatively,
Not sparing either of us
Not allowing us to wander
From our agreed agenda,
The path dictated
By our desires.
I promise to use you often,
To strip you of all shame,
To teach you that your body
(Which belongs to me)
Is beautiful: and deserves to be displayed
In all the ways I will require you to display it.
I promise to bind you,
To bring you pain and pleasure.
And to punish you
When required.
I promise to play my part,
To trust you as you trust me:
To lead you
Into that fluid ectsasy,
That secret, midnight chamber of the soul,
That place where you are mine,
And we are whole.
I wasn't with anyone at the time, it was, I suppose an invocation.
And a very beautiful and powerful one!