Now the thing to bear in mind is that Mocuar is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a pain slut. But she is very brave, one of the most courageous people I’ve ever met. She accepts whipping as part of her slavery and gets off on the idea of submitting to it but she has a fairly low pain threshold most of the time and doesn’t enjoy the experience itself. So I keep it fairly low-key. (By ‘whipping’ I mean a general term covering the use of canes, floggers, paddles etc.)
So it came as a surprise when one day in 2003 she announced that she wanted me to, as she put it, “Whip me for as long as you like, and as hard as you like and don’t stop until you feel like it” . She insisted that it had to happen without safewords or any limitations whatsoever.
It’s a ridiculous thing to say now, but she had to near as dammit talk me into it.
She described it as a leap of faith, something she felt she had to do. Up until this point we’d done a few magickal things (and a lot of sex) but this was the first time she’d consciously combined the two. She,in effect, challenged me to put my money where my mouth was (she still does this, one of the many reasons why being with her is so rewarding). So we proceeded. She placed one of our Goddess statues (Hathor,as it happened) by the bed and ‘tuned in’ to her while being caned.
I have to say that I’ve never wielded a cane so vigorously before or since.
Afterwards she said that at one point she’d had a contact with Hathor. She asked for help and was told “You don’t need my help, but I’ll always be with you”.
Since then, looking back, she sees it as an initiation, her first point of real connection with sex magick. The rest, as they say, is history . . .
This wasn't taken at the time, but I thought that a pic of her with a few marks might be nice . . .
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