Fortunately I came to see this life-denying nonsense as the pile of crap it actually is.
We are physical beings, on a material world and it’s bloody amazing. We should celebrate it, in all it’s aspects, not (metaphorically speaking) hold our noses and turn away.
Two memories spring to mind: I once went to a heavy rock gig with a Pagan friend of mine, the band was great, we sank a few beers, banged our heads and generally had a Good Time. Afterwards he looked at me, smiled, and said “Wasn’t that one of the best invocations of the Horned God you’ve ever seen?” He was right.
The other is from a time in my late 20’s when I first became really involved in magic. I met a qabalistic magician of many years experience and in my naivety was plying him with all kinds of stupid questions. His wife was with us at the time and at one point he stopped me and asked me if I really wanted to know the secret of life.
Of course I did.
He looked at his wife and said “Show us your tits”
“No I won’t” she said
“There you go” he said to me “Ask the universe for what you want. If you get it, be grateful and make the most of it, if you don’t, accept it and hope for the best next time”
It took me the best part of 20 years to really understand the full magickal meaning contained within the truth of that statement.
(just as an aside, I’ve used that device myself a few times since then, and a surprising number of women have actually shown me their tits. Which is always nice when it happens)
Spirituality and magick should never be seen as something that exists apart from life. If your particular belief-system doesn’t work in a crowded town centre on a Saturday afternoon, it’s invalid.
Hence the inverted pentacle.

It is often seen as a bad thing, a sign of the Devil (shock, horror!). Bullshit. It actually represents bringing spirit into matter, the point where life becomes illuminated with magickal energy.
‘Every intentional act is a magickal act’, as Crowley once famously said.
(Speaking of which, Mocuar is sucking me as I write this. There may be a typo or two to correct later)
This is true of magic generally, it’s particularly true of sex magick. I once ploughed my way through a well-known book on the subject, and though there were some good ideas in there, at no point did the author mention that you should actually enjoy it.
It’s really simple: Sex-magick is about FUCKING. Right? Fucking in all of it’s glorious manifestations, getting down and dirty with lots of mess, sweat, and bodily fluids. You can theorise, meditate, connect with the core of your spiritual/sexual being on an ethereal level etc, but sooner or later, you have to fuck someone, even if it's just yourself (check out VIII degree O.T.O.). If you ain't coming, you ain't going . . . anywhere.
A very wise sex-priestess once said to me “It’s a lot easier to bring the magick to someone who’s sexually free than it is to bring the sex to someone who’s magically free”.
OK, if your particular thing is to have your tantric fucking while surrounded by candles, incense, floaty garments and some sickening new age music in the background, so be it. But, for Goddess' sake enjoy it. (I sometimes suspect that a lot of the the new age tantric stuff is trying to find a way to do it,but having as little actual fucking as possible)
The Gods gave us Cocks And Cunts. Use them.
ReplyDeleteI am just finally figuring out in my late 30's, how to come out from under the cloud of self-denial and guilt, to want to let myself actually FEEL some pleasure.
Better late than never.