Monday, 19 April 2010


Mocuar committed a minor infraction yesterday. This, of course, meant some sort of corrective measure. On the spur of the moment, I decided to spank her arse.

Not something I've done much of previously, except with an ex from many years ago who was quite fond of it. Noblesse oblige and all that. But I must admit that the flesh-on-flesh nature of the experience was quite pleasant.

I normally favour the cane, it's more of a precision instrument, it's more aesthetically pleasing and I just love those marks (and the little yelps which accompany each one). And I don't suppose I'll be changing that preference in a hurry. But I may slip in an occasional spanking now and then.

Which leads me to the entire concept of punishment. When we first entered into the whole Sub/Dom thing, at that stage where stuff was being negotiated, I asked her if she wanted the concept of punishment brought in. After some thought, she decided that she did. "It wouldn't be complete, or fair without it" was her comment. Not that she enjoys pain for it's own sake. For us, it's not a part of S/M play, We use whipping for magickal purposes, and pleasure, with a number of different toys, but punishment is a deterrent. Ideally, it should never happen. OK, I enjoy it when it does, but I 'd be happy if Mocuar was so well behaved that it became unnecessary. Not that it happens much, she's a good girl, by and large.

1 comment:

  1. She's a good girl? Now, I know that you mean that in a whole different context than most people. Thankfully. lol
