Monday 30 January 2012


It's always nice when old friends come round to play . . .

The lovely Alys has been a dear friend for a long time, but with one thing and another, we've never got round to doing the deed.

This was rectified yesterday.

Friday 20 January 2012


I was looking for a juicy quote to start the year rolling - I found this.

  Anything which can be seen as poetry is its own justification.  If you view it as something ugly,then that's what it becomes. If you can sing its beauty, then that is all there is. And your soul is the soul of poetry. If you remember that, you are free to do things which would horrify the timid and the trite.

 This is from a short story by the wonderful Marco Vassi. His writing is dripping with sex magickal energy and a lot of good kinky stuff. Highly recommended.