Sunday, 28 March 2010

Master Energy

Because I’m in an M/S relationship, with Mocuar as my slave, that makes me ‘a Master’ on a physical/emotional level, and, as such, it’s fairly straightforward.

On a magickal level, it opens up all kinds of things that are . . . challenging. Essentially, there is a greater sense of responsibility. OK, responsibility is an integral part of any M/S setup (as it is with Sub/Dom, for that matter) but if you’re dealing with your own, and someone else’s, magickal self, you have to be careful, but not too cautious, and that’s a difficult balance to strike, sometimes.

I’m particularly aware of this because I have a tendency to be over-cautious. It’s caused problems in the past. I’ve often found myself looking back at times when I can clearly see that I had a good idea of what was needed, but backed away from it, and lost the moment.

Most importantly, I see the magickal Master energy as something I invoke and then process. I am, in some respects, a vehicle for that energy. Whenever that happens, and it comes through and works successfully, I find that it’s accompanied by a strong sense of humility. It’s not “Wow, I’m so fucking cool, I can do this”, more like “I feel really privileged to be able to do this”

One such occasion happened the other night. Mocuar was trying to shift a block she’d discovered in her psyche. It was preventing her from moving forward. After days of heavy talking, which got us nowhere and left us both feeling drained, I suggested that she try and visualise her block, to to give it some form. After a few minutes she told me that it was her grandmother.
Now Mocuar was brought up by her grandmother, a strict, repressive woman who never gave her affection or approval. But was still there, in her head, as an authority, a moral arbiter, still (although she died many years ago) disapproving of Mocuar, especially her sex magick preferences.

I switched into the Master enegy and let go of the caution, told her that she had to reject her grandmother’s authority and replace it with mine. After we’d found a suitable magickal image to bring that about and worked it, she told me she felt completely free, able to, as she put it, “be totally myself”. Since then she’s been happy, relaxed and a hell of a lot less self-critical.

Finally, the Master energy has to be a turn-on in order to bring it through in it’s fullness. I have to get off on the idea. Magickally it’s about transformation, the shifting of the sub or slave’s consciousness, and mine, into another plane. But if I become too pious about it, too caught up in the 'worthiness' of it, I lose the power.

Pan has his place, and it’s an important one.

1 comment:

  1. Io Pan! Yes. I have him tattooed on me. He looks like the Devil and it scares my MIL. ;-)
    Fuck, he IS he Devil, to the ego. He's going to destroy ego!!

    Pan energy shakes through those blockages and smashes up any feeling of caution we might have.
    Kali is the Hindu equivalent, as you know, Sekhmet the Egyptian, etc. Every self-respecting culture or religion has a figure like Pan. Except two. And that is why they are so fucking awful and causing so many of the world's problems. They have repressed that energy in half the world's population!

    Master energy. Yes. As my Master said to me, I just 'assume' a thing to be so. And it works!!
    HUGE responsibility, but it wouldn't have come to you at this point in your life if you couldn't handle it. I know you can. Just as you have known so many things about me.
